

Full-length manuscript guidelines:

At this time, we are accepting submissions for both fiction and nonfiction projects with strong appeal to the Newfoundland and Labrador market. We are open to middle grade, young adult, and general fiction, as well as narrative and historical nonfiction. We are willing to consider works of speculative and genre fiction so long as this work has appeal to a Newfoundland and Labrador readership. We are not accepting picture books or poetry at this time. 

There are different criteria for fiction and nonfiction submissions. Please read the guidelines carefully to ensure your submission meets the stated criteria. Submissions that do not follow the guidelines will not be read. Do not send full manuscripts unless requested. 

Fiction Guidelines:

A one-page cover letter including the genre of the work, a paragraph about the author and why they think this book is a good fit for the NL market.

First three chapters of the completed manuscript.

A 500 word synopsis of the work including how the book ends.

Fiction submissions should be samples from complete manuscripts.


Nonfiction Guidelines:

A one-page cover letter with a general description of the work and the author’s relevant experience with the subject matter.

A chapter-by-chapter outline with a short description of each chapter (this can be a working document, we don’t expect the work to be finalized).

A 500 word synopsis of the work.

Nonfiction submissions are not required to be from complete manuscripts, as there is an expectation that editorial feedback will be given during the editing and publication process.

Please send all submissions electronically in pdf form to